James Charles' Money Art

Big Fat Art

..and Yes It's Legal

This was in the news recently and I thought it interesting and note worthy (no pun intended). I'm pretty sure everyone has written on a dollar bill at some point or another, but James Charles takes it to a new level. The sometimes subtle and detailed level of work is so good I didn't even notice the change of wording at the bottom till third or fourth time I was checking these out. It's honestly hard to say which one of his masterpieces is my favorite, but the Vincent van Gogh ten dollar bill I think is the best and most amusing. My second favorite has to be the Oompa Loompa ten dollar bill. Either way they're all quite amusing. Is it art? You can be the judge of that, but it certainly takes some artistic skill, creativity and money to burn. If only I had a couple of 100 dollar bills I didn't need.