Movie Review: Mystery Team (2009)

Big Fat Film Review


I think that is the one word that sums up this film best. I gave this film a try because there was nothing else on and IMDB gave it a 6.7. I went in expecting some goofy Nickelodeon style kids detective movie like Harriet the Spy (1996). I was half right. The other half I was wrong about. That half included drug deals with psychotic dealers, a couple of very skanky strippers, some extremely bizarre if not disturbing sex scenes and more than a profanity or two. If Harriet the Spy had a baby with Pulp Fiction this would be their child. I can't say I recommend this movie to everyone, because I can imagine those who don't like it probably loath it and anyone who does like it. The movie is very funny and use the kid detective who never grew up thing well although there are times when all the golly gee gosh darn it stuff gets annoying, but those scenes only last a minute or two. The story is simple. Former kid detectives, now teenagers, try to solve a very real and adult homicide that comes with all the trimmings of the sordid underworld. That's it really The film gets points for a unique idea and also points for being the strangest film I've seen in the last 10 years. It loses points for the boring parts, but overall won me over for it's weirdness, originality and quirky humor. If you don't mind gross you'll probably enjoy this move more than you dislike it, but either way you'll walk away with a strange feeling. It's unexplainable really. In the end I think it deserves the 6.7 it got and is worth a go for 6.7 out of 10 people.