Review: Elta Tar (Coal Tar Cream) and Dermarest Lotion for Psoriasis and Eczema

My Big Fat Rash

And I Thought Coal Was Only
Good As A Stocking Stuffer.

I've had Eczema on the front of my legs for about seven years or so, but it's never been too serious. This summer though it broke out on the back of my legs and was quite bad, very bumpy and itchy. Probably because I've been in the hot tub a lot lately and it's very dry where I live also. So I did some research and decided to give Elta Tar a try in combination with Dermarest Eczema Medicated Lotion (basically 1% Hydrocortisone and some herbal crap). I used the Dermarest on the worse break outs and then used the Elta Tar over the entire area. After just five days, the break out on both legs has almost vanished. During that time I did all my normal activities: hot tubbing, some sweaty manual labor and hot showers. All of the things that can dry out the skin and make Eczema worse. The other great thing about Elta Tar is it doesn't smell or stain fabric like other coal tar creams. Now that the break out is controlled I'm gonna switch to just using the Elta Tar and see how things go. I will post some updates if Eczema strikes back after discontinuing the Dermarest.

Update 9/29 5 days after just switching to the Elta Tar my eczema has continued to disappear and is almost all gone by now. Very Cool.

Update 3/19 - I've found a great alternative to Elta Tar if you are concerned about possible side effects from Coal Tar Cream. Calendula Cream by California Baby check out the review here.