Game Review: Soul Calibur 5

Of High Or Low Calibur? 

Both, depending on how you look at it.

From the ‘work of art’ perspective? Well…

I don’t know how I managed to trick myself into thinking this game would have a good story. Maybe it’s because they were implementing such “RADICAL” changes… as in taking the series seventeen years into the future and injecting a fresh dose of new characters. Characters that they slowly announced details about, building up to the release of the game. They gave you the impression that said characters would have significance in said story. I kid you not, one of them only had ONE LINE in the entire game. Anyway, as far as the rest of the storyline goes… I’ll give it a grade of an F– . Just plain bad in almost every way… I understand the story is usually the last thing people care about when concerning a fighting game. But then, what’s even the point of adding a story mode if all you’re gonna do is squeeze out this turd of a campaign?

From the ‘fighting game’ perspective? I’ll give it an A+

It takes everything it’s learned from the previous entries and refines and improves on them… From all the gameplay features to the much loved character creator. Basically an overall better Soul Calibur experience, to be enjoyed by fans or newcomers to the series... as long as all you expect to do is fight your friends and strangers online and off… which I think is what everyone expects anyway… so yeah… just don’t expect something more.