Limbo is a video game…
It’s made “unique” with its choice of dark atmosphere and simplicity.
When you first start the game nothing is explained, you might not even be aware that it has started… in which case; you better hope you’re not entertaining… because as it may be entertaining watching you be an idiot; the entertainment is completely derived at your expense and that… might hurt your feelings.
At any rate you have started the game, assuming the role of the main character: Oddly Proportionate & Unfortunate Little Orphan… O. Pulo for short. From years of making things up on the spot, it’s quite obvious the O. stands for Oliver.
Now little Oliver Pulo is a very special little orphan, you see…
In a past few years, breakthroughs were made by a research venture funded by Lenscrafters and the individuals behind glow-in-the-dark bowling pins. That’s right… the world almost finally had glowing contact lenses, or better explained by top scientists: “contacts that made your eyes glow real bright.”
Prototypes were made and controversial testing on orphans soon followed… after said testing, the scientists were shocked to learn the side effects: dizziness, upset stomach, and the chance of dying a gruesome death increased from 10% (that of a regular orphan) to 99.98%...
Oliver Pulo was one of those orphans and the only one to survive, this is his story.
Surprising to me… not many people seemed to follow the story.
Then I realized Limbo doesn’t have a story and I made this one up in the time-span of 3 to 4 seconds.
Instead the developers decided to “wow” us by stripping just about everything and leaving only the core idea: a scared little boy, surrounded by danger which he has to overcome.
Wait wasn’t there a game that was based on this exact same idea, with the exact same game-play, and with much more variety? Yes, yes there was…
Heart of Darkness
Limbo is the exact same game. Just shorter and more stylized.
I don't deny it isn't a "good" game; I just don't give it any points for originality or "innovation".
Both games are enjoyable and if you still have your Playstation lying around, might as well get both. Since the price tag is roughly the same.