I ♥ Peerblock and You Should Too.

Advice From A Pro

Beware the Bogon's

Why should you love Peerblock? There are many, many reasons and bogons are just one of them. Peerblock allows you to keep your privacy intact by blocking sites that track your activity for various and sometimes nefarious reasons. These include but are not limited to hackers, perverts (pedophiles), government agencies, advertisers, spyware and antip2p groups. Oh and bogons too. Peerblock is free, but you can and should make a donation. The program works very simply by blocking known bad IPs that are associated with these groups. Even though it includes some lists you can also get different lists of IPs that can be added to Peerblock from iBlocklist.com for free. It's recommended you don't over do it and add every list. Instead be specific as to what your needs or paranoia is (i.e protect your kids, stop pesky pop ups, etc.). I currently have about 2 billion block IPs and half of those are bogons. Occasionally a sight you want to get onto may be blocked, conveniently you can disable Peerblock with a click for 15 or 30 minutes or completely. You'll be surprised how many people are trying to access you information every single minute of the day. In short if you value your privacy Peerblock is an essential tool. Oh yes and a bogon is an informal name for an IP packet on the Internet that claims to be from area of IP address' reserved, but not yet allocated. The term "bogon" is hacker jargon for the quantum of bogosity, or the property of being bogus. So in essence it's an IP that shouldn't even exist that is trying to access your computer. Down right fishy if you ask me. Download Peerblock here http://www.peerblock.com/ and lists here http://www.iblocklist.com/lists.php. Enjoy your new found privacy.