My Big Fat Fridge
Food For Thought.
Today I stumbled across this fascinating photography project by Mark Menjivar. The project basically comes down to photos of the contents of various refrigerators with a short description of the owner of the fridge. Art? Maybe, maybe not, but it is very interesting from a sociological point of view. You can check out Mark Mejivar's "You Are What You Eat" project at The picture of the Fridge above is mine. The more I've thought about it the more fascinating I found this idea. In fact I'd like to dedicate a section of my blog to pictures of peoples refrigerators and a short description of who they are (i.e. Job, hobby, number in household or anything unique.) You can email a photo of the inside of your fridge (even the outside if it's interesting) and a short description of yourself as described above to: I'll then post the refrigerator and your description in a new section of my blog.