Movie Review: Tokyo Zombie

My Big Fat Movie Review

Zen in the Art of Zombies

I love a good zombie flick, especially one with some humor in it. Tokyo Zombie manages to supply both along with a side of the usual weirdness you almost always find in Japanese films. The story is about two guys who are not so bright, but are obsessed with perfecting their martial arts skills. Their obsession with martial arts comes in handy when a zombie apocalypse sweeps through Tokyo and they seem to be the only ones left alive. Eventually it's discovered that the rich and elite of the city have walled themselves off in a lavish fortress with in the city. In their private fortress the rich pit martial artists against zombies coliseum style for their entertainment which leads to a surprising showdown. I really liked this movie and, outside of some very strange pedophilia side story in the beginning (I guess maybe if you're Japanese it's funny, but I don't see how), it's pretty tame in the Japanese-stranger-then-strange department. Zombie fans will definitely enjoy.