Flow: For Love of Water / Movie Review

My Big Fat Movie Review

"Don't put that in your mouth!
You don't know where it's been."

And mom was right, for so many reasons. Flow is a solid documentary that explores the current and ever growing crisis of various water issues on our planet. Amongst them what is in our water; the ever growing cocktail of pollutants from pharmaceuticals to industrial chemicals and more. Just as worrying Flow explores the threat of mega-corporations taking over the world water supply for profit. It's happened here in the US already in the guise of supposedly safer bottled water (unregulated and often just regular tap water) pumped out of aquifers at such a rate that it depletes local water supplies and destroys local ecological systems. Even more frightening is the almost hostile take over in third world countries of the water supply. Where those barely surviving now have to pay corporations for the "privilege" of water. There are some scary numbers in this move. Such as the fact that over 5,000 children a day are dieing from the lack of clean drinking water and that over 1 Billion people worldwide don't have clean drinking water. Also the simple fact that the other 6 Billion are quickly running out of clean water to drink (the southwest of the USA is estimated to run out of water in 20 years). It's not mentioned in the movie but add to that another 1 Billion people every decade or two and you can see the nightmare we are headed into. What can you do. Well for yourself I say buy a water filter for your tap (I have PUR 3-Stage) and avoid drinking out of polycarbonate plastics. You can read more on polycarbonates here, it's not in the movie. If you want to help everyone else and stop mega-corporation's literal death grip on the water supply, you can sign the petition for Article 31. Article 31 states: Everyone has the right to clean and accessible water, adequate for the health and well-being of the individual and family, and no once shall be deprived of such acces or quality of water due to the individual economic circumstance. This would be added to the Universal Declaration of HumanRights ratified by all the nations of the world in 1948. For more information on the move go here.