My Big Fat Rant
AIG Screwing Americans Over
In More Ways Than One.
Yes I have a problem AIG!!! I have a problem with bailing out a company that is basically a Mega Monopoly in the Insurance market. I have a problem with a private Mega Monopoly company getting 168 billion dollars of the tax payers money, because they suck at running their business. I have a problem with their inept executives getting one million dollar or more bonuses for doing a lousy job, even after they quit. Most of all I have a huge problem with AIG hiking up the rates of it's customers. I have been a customer of 21st Century auto insurance for eight years. I've never had a claim, accident, ticket or any other moving violation. For eight years my insurance rate remaind the same untill AIG purchased 21st Century and actually tried to raise my insurance rate $226.00 a year!!! That's right, raise it. You would think with a perfect driving record and eight years of loyalty they would've rewarded me with a price break, but no they raised my rates by 25%!!! Needless to say I switched insurers. I would recommend the same to anyone else getting screwed by AIG. Switch! As taxpayers we might not have full control over where our tax money goes, but I sure as hell am not going give them money where I can control it. There is no way this group of inept, greedy and unscrupulous bastards will get another red cent out of my pocket. As Americans it is our job to support American companies that have planned well and invested wisely. Not to support those that should have gone bankrupt because of their poor planning and fiscal mismanagement. For list of AIG companies click here. 3/19/09 Update thoughts on the AIG issue and more click here.
AIG Screwing Americans Over
In More Ways Than One.
Yes I have a problem AIG!!! I have a problem with bailing out a company that is basically a Mega Monopoly in the Insurance market. I have a problem with a private Mega Monopoly company getting 168 billion dollars of the tax payers money, because they suck at running their business. I have a problem with their inept executives getting one million dollar or more bonuses for doing a lousy job, even after they quit. Most of all I have a huge problem with AIG hiking up the rates of it's customers. I have been a customer of 21st Century auto insurance for eight years. I've never had a claim, accident, ticket or any other moving violation. For eight years my insurance rate remaind the same untill AIG purchased 21st Century and actually tried to raise my insurance rate $226.00 a year!!! That's right, raise it. You would think with a perfect driving record and eight years of loyalty they would've rewarded me with a price break, but no they raised my rates by 25%!!! Needless to say I switched insurers. I would recommend the same to anyone else getting screwed by AIG. Switch! As taxpayers we might not have full control over where our tax money goes, but I sure as hell am not going give them money where I can control it. There is no way this group of inept, greedy and unscrupulous bastards will get another red cent out of my pocket. As Americans it is our job to support American companies that have planned well and invested wisely. Not to support those that should have gone bankrupt because of their poor planning and fiscal mismanagement. For list of AIG companies click here. 3/19/09 Update thoughts on the AIG issue and more click here.